bay: n.1.(比 gulf 小、比 cove 大的)湾,海湾。2.(山中的)凹地。3.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱。4.【英军】战壕通路。短语和例子Hudson bay 哈德逊湾。 the bay of Bengal 孟加拉湾。n.1.(猎犬等追捕猎物时的)吠声。2.绝境,穷途末路(尤指走投无路时反噬的状态)。短语和例子be at bay 1. 走投无路;被包围,被遏制。 2. 作困兽
Example Sentences:
. . . out of the sweet harbor at bantry bay . . .划的那种船载大艇
Out of the sweet harbor at bantry bay .划的那种船载大艇
The beautiful coastal areas of camps bay , clifton , bantry bay , and hout bay surround the breathtaking tranquillity of the winelands , constandtia , stellenbosch and paarl 美丽的开普湾、克利夫顿海滩、班特里湾、豪特湾环绕着异常宁静的酒乡康士坦丁、斯坦陵布什以及帕尔。